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At the turn of the new millennium, web sites were still pretty much text-based, but having learned HTML and other programming skills, RCI was perfectly positioned for the switch to interactive web sites and data-base driven sites. 

In 2001 Reum Computing was started to use computer knowledge, programming skills and business experience to begin to design and program web sites that would actually work for small businesses.  RCI's clients loved their willingness to show them how to use a website to serve the business in as many ways as possible.  They also appreciated their focus on ROI, and his willingness to each them how to keep their sites updated themselves . . .  if they wanted to.

RCI's next challenge was to unlock the mysteries of search engine visibility (SEO) and how to get their clients’ websites ranked in the major search engines.  RCI began to use their slills to decode some of the secrets of the Internet and how search engines, keywords and search marketing really worked.  And they were able to successfully crack the code!

Now their customers are even happier because they can not only design websites, and also program them, code them, and add any data base-driven features or bells and whistles they want, but now they can get their sites to show up in the search engines, too! No wonder clients say such nice things about Reum Computing!

Clients also appreciate that RCI will take the time to explain to them – in plain English – the elements of the website he’s designing for them how the programming and data base elements work, and what their SEO strategy is for each site.  Women particularly seem to appreciate Pete’s ability to translate “geek speak” into English and his willingness to educate them enough so that they understand what’s going and can make informed decisions.  RCI likes to say they de-mystifies and de-techifies web sites and Internet marketing for former technophobe clients.

Strategic Partners

Strategic Partners for Reum Computing

In addition to in-house web design, web database and SEO expertise, Reum Computing works with a number of strategic partners for adjunct services, including:


Often web developers/companies want to host your site, host your e-mail and control your domain.  If you decide you want to go to someone else, you have a battle on your hands regarding who owns the content, the site, the domain.  Sometimes the developer won’t give a third party access to the files if they’re hosting the site on their own server.  That’s not how Reum Computing works.  Company owner Pete Reum says, “Tying up people is just not my style.  If clients aren’t happy with us, I want them to be able to move on easily and comfortably.  I want to make it as easy as possible for them to get what they want and need, if not from us, then from whatever source they choose.

For expert website design, database driven web sites and SEO
plus outstanding customer service and responsiveness,
pure professionalism,
and superior business results,

Call or e-mail Reum Computing today for a free quote
for web site design, data base sites or SEO.

Reum Computing a web design Denver Metro Based Company.


6266 S. Josephine Way, Centennial, CO 80121 - Phone 720.334.7386 - email

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